machine learning

October 2018

Unity Machine Learning

Category : Development

A simple test of Machine Learning (Unity 3d).The goal for the agent is to push the ball on the red block with the least bounces possible, the fastest, and without touching the ground.It was necessary to limit the erratic movements and the too large displacements (still a lot of work is necessary at this level). Nevertheless, a few hours of training were enough to obtain a success rate higher than 80%.

AI, artificial intelligence, Unity 3d developer

January 2018

Voyages en Résistances

client : Petit Homme Production Category : Development

After a hard work, here is indeed Voyages en Résistances, which I developed. It's an educative game on Android / iOs (smartphones) which allow to incarnate a french resistant during WWII, to build up or to integrate a network, and to accomplish missions in augmented reality. The goal is to grow the network, and go through the gestapo's net. A rich learning of what were the risks for a resistant during world war 2... The application is also including educational contents. Some will be scattered all over France. Go and look for them. The application is free and available on respectives stores Google Play and Apple Store.

unity 3d game developer, unity french developer, augmented reality, unity augmented reality, pokemon go unity

français version française
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