
A few personal projects, technical tests, you are in the laboratory R&D. ..A pool of ideas thrown in bulk. This is where concepts are born and new projects. This is where I explore new techniques, I experiment, I develop new components, I'm looking for solutions to problems often encountered...
Any suggestions ?

October 2018

Unity Machine Learning

Category : Lab

A simple test of Machine Learning (Unity 3d).The goal for the agent is to push the ball on the red block with the least bounces possible, the fastest, and without touching the ground.It was necessary to limit the erratic movements and the too large displacements (still a lot of work is necessary at this level). Nevertheless, a few hours of training were enough to obtain a success rate higher than 80%.

AI, artificial intelligence, Unity 3d developer

February 2016

SSR Candela v3

Category : Lab

Behind this barbarian word (Screen Space Reflection) hides a technique of dynamic reflection on 3d surface. The reflections are calculated in real time on the camera level. The effect is very efficient but limited to camera space only. Everything wich is behind the camera field of view, is not taken into account. Candela has just released v3 of their asset wich fix this issue in a certain way. The result is quite convincing. Here are some comparative screens.

Unity developement, french Unity developer, Candela SSR, Unity Screen Space Reflection

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